- Este o comunitate larga pentru persoane dornice de:
- Chat, Cunoastere, Implementare, Gaming, Dezvolare
- Oferim sprijin tuturor persoanelor nevoiase!
- Oferim sprijin moral persoanelor cu DEZABILITATI !
- Oferim sprijin in cunoasterea Hardware & Software !
- Oferim sprijin pentru TOATE problemele fiecaruia!
-STAFF Matur si Responsabil!
-Ce acceotam noi in comunitate!
- Persoane serioase !
- Persoane cu dezabilitati !
- Persoane marginite sau neacceptate pe alte comunitati !
- Acceptam si persoane minore, dar cu cei 7 ani de acasa !
Ce NU acceptam noi in comunitate!
- Rasismul este interzis !
- Superioritatea fata de ceilalti !
- Injurii adresate tuturor persoanelor !
- Spam & Troll ( Discord sau jocuri ) !
- Cersetorie ( bani, dlc, jocuri....etc) !
- Tulburarea linistii pe canalele de # VOCE !
- Fara reclame la alte servere sau comunitati !
Descrierea comunitatii in cateva cuvinte!
- Dorim persoane carora le place "Gaming-ul", doresc sa stea de vorba pe canalele de #VOCE, dupa o zi grea de munca cautam putina RELAXARE ori in jocuri ori pe canalele de #VOCE, ne place sa fim mereu activi pe #VOCE, ne place sa jucam toti intr-o echipa indiferent de jocul jucat!
- Abia asteptam sa te cunoastem si pe tine! Hai cu noi in echipa!
Motoul comunitatii: RESPECTA SI VEI FI RESPECTAT !!!
- It is a large community for people who want to:
- Chat, Knowledge, Implementation, Gaming, Development
- We offer support to all people in need!
- We offer moral support to people with DISABILITIES!
- We offer support in knowing Hardware & Software!
- We offer support for ALL of everyone's problems!
-Mature and Responsible STAFF!
-What do we accept in the community!
- Serious people!
- People with disabilities!
- Marginalized or unaccepted people in other communities!
- We also accept minors, but with the 7-year-olds from home!
What we do NOT accept in the community!
- Racism is forbidden!
- Superiority over others!
- Insults addressed to all people!
- Spam & Troll (Discord or games)!
- Begging (money, DLC, games...etc)!
- Disturbing the peace on the channels of # VOICE!
- No ads on other servers or communities!
Description of the community in a few words!
- We want people who like "Gaming", they want to chat on #VOCE channels, after a hard day's work we are looking for a little RELAXATION either in games or on #VOCE channels, we like to be always active on # VOICE, we all like to play in a team regardless of the game played!
- We can't wait to meet you too! Join us in the team!
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